Tuesday, July 28, 2009


i really cannot endure already!!
what i have did to make u become like that?
nowadays..i feel so disappointed and shocked with your attitude....
i really dunno how to communicate with u....
U just like change to another person....
and make me so aversion~!!!!

If u really dislike me just face to face say with me...
why u want to do so many things to make me feel that u are dislike me or avoiding me?
what is the purpose u doing all that?
when facing others... u will show that u are really friendly or kind....
what a good acting har~!


  1. 阿拉伯传说中有两个朋友在沙漠中旅行,在旅行中的某点他们吵架了一个还给了另一个一记耳光。 被打的觉得受辱,一言不语,在沙子上写下:今天我的好朋友打了我一巴掌。 他们继续往前走,到了沃野,决定停下。被打巴掌的那位差点淹死,幸好被朋友救起来了。被救起后,拿了一把小剑在石头上刻了:今天我的好朋友救了我一命。一旁好奇的朋友问:为何我打了你, 你要写在沙子上,而现在要刻在石头上呢?另一个笑了笑回答:当被一个朋友伤害时,要写在易忘的地方,风会负责抹去它;相反地如果被帮助,我们要把它刻在心灵深处, 任何风都不能磨灭它。 朋友的相处, 伤害往往是无心的,帮助却是真心的, 忘记那些无心的伤害,铭记那些对你的帮助, 你会发现世上有很多真心的朋友。

    someone sent tis msg 2 me. i feel tat it is so meaningful n giv me a lot of inspiration. as an outsider, i cant comment anything. there is no right or wrong. i beliv tat u n her r good frens be4. no one wil think tat both of u wil come 2 tis sticky end.. no matter wat happened, pls dun hate her. think more of the happy memory tat u share v her. perhaps both of u cant back 2 the initial, but at least both of u r still frens..

    so sorry 4 being so busy body.. jus i hav the same experience v u, n i dun hope u wil hav the same ending v me.. cheer up!!

    from: chee

  2. thankyou chee chee....
    u are not busy body and i really appreciate with your comment here...
    thanks.. i will try to calm down myself and dun think so much....
    anyway... thanks for the meaningful message and yr concern my dear...^^
